The Country Store

Last week I deleted a story from my “Ice Ice Baby” blog post. It was more about melting snow than ice anyway. But the story got me thinking about something I hadn’t thought about in years. The Country Store in the Cincinnati Airport. The Country Store was located on A Concourse by the Credit Union. A very convenient location if you ask me. There was, also, a store located on the B Concourse near the small crew lounge. Another very convenient location if you ask me. The Country Store had other locations in other airports, such as, Columbus, Ohio and South Bend, Indiana. The employees even dressed in 1930’s country store attire. It was a full country store experience. Sadly, The Country Store is no longer located in these airports. I guess we airline crews didn’t eat enough of The Country Store’s glorious popcorn to keep them in business. Believe me, we definitely tried.

Not an actual photo of The Country Store popcorn….but,close

The Country Store was known for it’s delectable freshly-popped popcorn. It was also known for selling an incredibly ginormous bag of popcorn. Yes, some people actually bought the paper lunch-bag size of popcorn every now and then. But, they were usually the exception. I affectionately called them “the samplers”. The rest of the world bought the 24 ounce clear bag of popcorn. As you know, popcorn doesn’t weigh much….so that was A LOT of popcorn! The people that bought the 24 ounce bag were serious connoisseurs of The Country Store popcorn. When I was based in Cincinnati I would bring the big bag of popcorn home to my family in St. Louis. My family fell in love with the popcorn when I was a child. No trip to the airport would be complete without purchasing a big bag of popcorn. I’ll admit, it was cumbersome to carry the popcorn home to St. Louis on the airplane. But, seeing my Dad’s face light up at the sight of the popcorn made it all worthwhile. Needless to say, I chuckled when I saw passengers walking through the airport with their big bag of The Country Store popcorn. I knew their family and friends would be thrilled when they walked through the door, too. The Country Store popcorn had this magical effect on people. I truly believe they sprinkled magic dust, instead of salt, on the kernels while it popped. Our pilots apparently believed in magic. They were notorious for buying the big bag of popcorn and sharing it with the crew. Fortunately, The Country Store kindly provided extra brown paper snack bags for the crew. This way everyone could have their own individual bag of popcorn from the big bag. I know from personal experience crews would shriek with delight whenever the pilots shared their popcorn. Well, at least I did!

The Country Store offered more than the luscious popcorn. It was The Country Store after all! The store sold an assortment of quirky little items. There were dish towels, bottle openers, wind-up chattering teeth, wax candles and a plethora of interesting tchotchkes. In addition, the store sold Mad Libs books, ball and Jacks games, wooden paddle ball games and wooden thumb puppets. Remember the Wooly Willy Original Magnetic Hair Toy? I do. I always played with it when I was in the store. What can I say. I am a child at heart. I loved using the red magic wand to drag the magnetic shavings to create hair, beards and eyebrows on the bald man. Of course, I was partial to The County Store’s wooden airplanes, too. This shouldn’t surprise you. After all….I am in aviation. I was, also, enamored with wooden train whistles. They truly sounded like a train “was a coming” when you blew into them. But, my favorite toy was the wooden spinning tops. I bought many of these to entertain my nieces. I, however, was just as entertained. Yes, The Country Store was a filled with creative toys for kids and kids at heart. Thank goodness I have the heart of a kid.

What kid doesn’t love candy? Fortunately, The Country Store was well- stocked with an assortment of mouth watering candy. Each little wooden bin held a sweet delight. There were Mary Jane’s, Goetze’s Caramel Creams, Sugar Daddy’s, Candy Button Dots, Candy Necklaces, Lemon Heads, Butter Scotch Candy’s, Jawbreakers, Salt Rock Candy, Rainbow Whirly Lollipops, and a wide variety of flavored stick candy…just to name a few. I could definitely name more. After all, I have the heart of a child that adores candy! Our pilots, also, have the hearts of candy loving children. Our pilots loved buying the Atomic Fireballs. They bought them by the paper sack full. They were always quick to offer the crew these hard candies, too. Everyone made it a personal challenge to suck on the fireballs long enough for the fire to go out. The pilots didn’t take offense when someone spit the candy out long before this point though. They usually laughed when someone gave up on the challenge. Most of us swore to never eat an Atomic Fireball ever again. However, everyone knew the next time an Atomic Fireball was offered again, everyone would accept the challenge once more. We couldn’t help ourselves. Hey, did I mention we have hearts of candy loving children?

The candy most people overlooked were the Necco Wafers. Both the assorted colored Necco Wafers and the chocolate Necco Wafers. I didn’t overlook this candy, though. My boyfriend at the time, Captain Pilot didn’t either. We actually became slightly obsessed with the Necco wafers. Especially, the chocolate Neccos. I bought the colored Necco Wafers one day on a lark. Captain Pilot and I scrutinized each color and flavor. We had our own personal favorites. Then one day Captain Pilot went to buy more Neccos at The Country Store. That day they only had the chocolate flavored Neccos. So, he bought them. And our world changed forever! We couldn’t get enough of them. Every chance we had we ran to The Country Store to buy more. At one point The Country Store completely ran out of the chocolate flavored Neccos. On both concourses! It was devastating for us. At some point in our obsession someone at The Country Store decided to put the Neccos in a basket near the register. Yes, the employees were making it convenient for us to run in and out of the store in between flights to make a quick chocolate Necco purchase. Sadly, it also made it more convenient for us to see the empty basket, as well. Captain Pilot and I would have daily updates on the chocolate Neccos situation. We became brazen in our pursuit of the candy. We no longer did a quick walk-by. No, we purposefully walked into the store to actually inquire about the chocolate Necco supply status. I had to laugh the day I went into The Country Store on the B Concourse. I informed the sales clerk I would love to purchase some chocolate Neccos. But, I could see they were still not in stock. The salesman was shocked another person had come in to the store to specifically purchase the chocolate Neccos. He told me a pilot had just come in a few minutes prior looking for the candy. I confidently told the sales clerk I knew it was my boyfriend. Come on, what were the chances it was someone else addicted to the candy? Of course, later that night Captain Pilot confirmed that he was indeed the chocolate Necco inquiring pilot. We laughed that maybe our Necco addiction was getting out of hand.

The story I was going to write about last week ultimately was more about the chocolate Necco Wafers. And not so much about the weather. Let me explain. I was flying with Captain Pilot one day to South Bend, Indiana. We laughed when we saw we were going to be on the same crew. Yes. We never purposely tried to fly together. It just worked out this way for us every now and then. This particular day big, wet snowflakes started to fall unexpectedly from the sky. It was as if we were in a snow globe and someone had shook it vigorously. Captain Pilot went to inquire about getting de-iced. The unexpected snow caught everyone in Cincinnati off guard. The de-icing crews scrambled to get the trucks in place to de-ice all the departing airplanes. Captain Pilot informed us our flight had been issued a flight delay until we could get de-iced. Unfazed, Captain Pilot told me he was going to head to The Country Store to look for some chocolate Necco Wafers. Minutes later Captain Pilot was back on the airplane to inform me The Country Store was still out of the chocolate Necco Wafers. Captain Pilot may not have brought any Necco Wafers back with him. However, he did bring the blazing sun back with him. The weather outside was now in complete contrast to the earlier snowy conditions. Outside my window sheets of snow were sliding off the airplane wings. Chunks of snow from the airplane roof were sliding past my window. I watched in amazement as the airplane parked next to us shed it’s heavy snow, too. Captain Pilot observed the same thing out the windows as we talked. After a short time had passed, Captain Pilot told me he was going to go outside to check the airplane. From inside the airplane I could see the wings were now completely clear of snow. Captain Pilot came back a few minutes later and informed us we no longer needed to be de-iced. Mother Nature had de-iced us. So, we received our new paperwork, got our passengers boarded and we flew off to South Bend.

When we parked at the gate in South Bend, Captain Pilot deplaned to get our new paperwork and to look around the concourse. A few minutes later he entered the plane holding a brown paper bag. He smiled a sheepish smile and handed it to me. The bag was filled with chocolate Necco Wafers! Neither one of us knew the South Bend airport had The Country Store. Happily, the South Bend passengers were not obsessed with chocolate Necco Wafers like we were. Hip Hip Hooray!We had a new chocolate Necco supply station.

Not long after the South Bend discovery, we were in a drugstore in Dayton. Captain Pilot needed to pick some items up on the way to the house. We conveniently walked down the candy aisle to get to the back of the store. Just by chance I looked down. There I spied not only the colored Necco Wafers, but, I spied the chocolate Necco Wafers, too. I also saw the price of the candy. For the price of one roll of candy at The Country Store, we could get four rolls of candy at the drugstore. We were gobsmacked! The unproductive airport hunt for Necco Wafers at The Country Store was now over. We realized could easily buy our candy at the drugstore for a fraction of the price. Captain Pilot and I no longer bought our Neccos at The Country Store. Ironically, The Country Stores at the airport in Cincinnati closed not long after our drugstore discovery. Now, I cannot confirm our lack of buying the Necco Wafers caused the demise of The Country Store. But, wouldn’t you agree ….it is a peculiar coincidence.

I still buy Necco Wafers every once in awhile. I like to keep some in candy jars in the basement in case someone needs extra energy to play air hockey or pool. Yes, Necco Wafers are readily available to everyone in my house. Sadly, The Country Store popcorn is not. Oh, if I could have jars in my basement filled with The Country Store popcorn,…I’d be in popcorn Heaven. I truly believe if The Country Store were to reappear in airports they would thrive. They would thrive with a new generation of Skytreses, Skyters and pilots that had never tasted the most delectable popcorn ever popped. And quite possibly, another Skytress and her Captain Pilot boyfriend would discover the chocolate Necco Wafers. And just like Captain Pilot and me, they might become obsessed with obtaining them and eating them. Well, they will be obsessed until they discover them at their local drugstore. Then they will sadly discover they, too, have been chocolate Necco price gouged at The Country Store. Oh well, if they are smart, they will always go back for the popcorn.

Need a Necco anyone

Ice Ice Baby

I had Robert Van Winkle on my flight again the other day. You know, raper Vanilla Ice….. Ice Ice Baby. I have Vanilla Ice on my flight a lot. He lives in West Palm Beach. I happen to work a lot of West Palm Beach flights. I never ask Vanilla Ice about his raping days. Nor, do I ask him about his tv show, “The Vanilla Ice Project”, on the DIY Network. He doesn’t ask me about, “The Rerouted Skytress”, blog either. No, we simply go about our business on the flight. Unfortunately for me, though, the next three weeks I have the song “Ice Ice Baby” swirling around my head. Vanilla Ice is very popular amongst the flight crews. You see, ice is an integral part of our lives. A good bag of ice is golden when you are a Skytress or Skyter. The most knowledgeable Skytresses and Skyters know the best ice in the airline system comes from Little Rock. Yes, by golly. Good Ice Ice Baby! is very serious to us! Oh my, I cannot count the number of times a crew member has broken out in Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby” when inquiring about the ice onboard the aircraft. But when you have Robert Van Winkle on your flight, you sing “Ice Ice Baby” ad nauseam. If you are quirky like me your mind starts to wonder as you sing the song. Incredibly, the last time I had Robert Van Winkle on my flight, my mind wandered to the times I had ice ice …baby… on the outside of the aircraft. As Ron jokingly used to say about himself, “I’m referred to as weird at times.” Well, the same can be said about me, too. I guess that’s why we got along so well! Yep, Ice Ice Baby!

Years ago, if a flight went to Syracuse, it also went to Rochester. Or vice versa. It was just a given. This is how our routing system was back in the day. We would group the Syracuse and Rochester passengers together on one airplane. Then we would drop them off like a school bus dropping off students at their homes…one stop at a time. One day there was some weather in the upstate New York area. We were originally scheduled to fly to Rochester first. Then we would fly to Syracuse. Because of the inclement weather in upstate New York, our weight and balance was not ideal for landing on Rochester’s shorter runway. Yes, the weather, the length of the runway and the passenger load was playing havoc with our flight schedule. Eventually, someone much smarter than me figured out how to rectify our situation. It was finally determined if we flew to Syracuse first and let the Syracuse passengers deplane, our weight and balance would be perfect for the conditions in Rochester. Since we had to fly to both cities anyway, no one really cared where we landed first. Everyone was actually more impressed someone had figured out this plan. We all agreed it was much better than cancelling the flights. So, we flew to Syracuse…..Then we flew to Rochester. Amazingly, everything was going according to the new plan. We landed in Rochester and taxied to the gate. Because it was before 9-11, we taxied to the gate with the cockpit door opened. Even though I was sitting in the back of the airplane, I could see the gate lights as we turned into the gate area. Remarkably, I could even see the concourse windows through the cockpit window from my aft jumpseat. I was eagerly anticipating the Captain setting the parking breaks and turning off the seatbelt sign. Then all of a sudden, the airplane made a uncharacteristic wiggle. My first reaction was, “Holy crap! What was that?” No one moved. The passengers were very quiet. Seconds later, the Captain turned the seatbelt sign off. The Skytress that was sitting next to me on the jumpseat said, “That was the weirdest sensation.” Then we broke out in nervous giggles as we went to disarm our doors. We followed the last of the passengers up the aisle. The Captain anticipated our questions. Before we could speak, he informed us we had slid on a patch of ice as we were pulling into the gate. Yep, Ice Ice Baby! I was amazed how easily a heavy aircraft could slide on ice. I told the Captain for a brief moment I wasn’t sure the airplane was going to come to a complete stop. I had visions of us crashing into the concourse windows. The Captain said the tug operator was probably thinking the same thing. The tug operator had been standing on the tug marshaling the aircraft forward with his orange-lighted hand wands. When the airplane started to skid the tug operator jumped off the tug and ran. Yikes, Ice Ice Baby! The Captain said when the plane started to skid he feared the breaks wouldn’t hold. He feared the plane would crash into the tug, or worse. The Captain said the exact thought must have been going through the tug operators mind, too. Fortunately, the airplane didn’t hit the tug and the tug operator was unharmed. Relieved, we all started to laugh at the oddness of the event. The Captain laughed the hardest. He was truly relieved everything turned out okay. He chuckled and said he would forever remember the shocked look on the tug operator’s face as the plane skidded towards him. He said if the tug operator had a lifetime of reoccurring nightmares about an airplane running over him, he would completely understand. Ice Ice Baby!

Icy weather got the best of us one Christmas Eve in Shreveport. We knew it was going to be a long day when the gal at the front desk wondered why we were heading to the airport. All the other crews staying at the hotel had their flights cancelled because of the icy conditions. I was a little perturbed no one had called us. Obviously, we had gotten dressed for no reason. My frustration quickly subsided, though. I was now becoming giddy with the thought of crawling back into bed. As expected, the Captain took control of the situation. He immediately called scheduling. Unfortunately, scheduling hadn’t canceled our flight. No, the company wanted to try to get at least one flight out of Shreveport. Sadly, no one was going back to bed. Instead, we reluctantly climbed into the hotel shuttle. And off to the airport we went. Ice Ice Baby, all the way there.

When we arrived at the airport the gatehouse was filled with passengers from our flight and the other cancelled flights. Apparently, just like scheduling, the passengers were hoping one flight would depart Shreveport that day. Unfortunately, a Christmas miracle would be needed for this to happen. The gate agent accompanied us down the jetway and explained the dilemma we were facing with the weather. Their de-icing equipment was not working. The company had been informed days prior to this situation. However, since Shreveport rarely needs de-icing equipment, it was not deemed a priority fix. I knew immediately that we were in a pickle. Yes. Ice Ice Baby…We were at a standstill. The only hope was for the weather to warm up enough for the ice to melt. So, we stowed our bags on the airplane and we sat down in first class and waited……And waited. Did I mention we waited? The sun refused to come out and the temperature wouldn’t budge. The Captain was becoming agitated with the situation. He inquired about towing the airplane to the aircraft hanger located on the other side of the airport. He surmised a warm hanger would melt the ice. The gate agent explained to the Captain the hanger was a military hanger. We didn’t have the security clearance to use it. Thus, his plan would not be feasible for our situation. Unfortunately, we would have to stay on course with our original plan and wait for the ice to melt. Oh,no! Ice Ice Baby! At this point my fellow Skytresses and I walked up into the gatehouse with drinks and snack from the airplane to serve the waiting Shreveport passengers. The passengers were extremely kind and understanding of the situation. We knew they had Christmas plans. Sadly, their plans were unraveling as the time slowly dragged on. I felt awful there wasn’t anything we could do to rectify the situation. Unfortunately, the Shreveport passengers were hoping for a Christmas miracle that Santa was not willing to deliver. Ugh, Ice Ice Baby.

When I went back inside our airplane I could hear voices coming from our pilot’s cockpit radio. TWA pilots were talking with the Shreveport air traffic controllers. They were in a similar situation with the ice. However, unlike us, they did have de-icing equipment. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the proper type of de-icing fluid for the situation. The TWA pilots asked the air traffic controllers if it was possible to get de-iced at the end of the runway. The type of de-icing fluid they had would require them to be airborne in less than 30 minutes from the time the fluid was first applied to the aircraft. The gentleman in the tower told the TWA pilots their aircraft was the only one that day in a position to take off. So, they approved the plan. In less than 30 minutes TWA was airborne. And we waited. Our Captain was growing frustrated. He wanted to be home for Christmas morning to celebrate with his children. Heck, we all wanted to be home on Christmas. Darn you, Ice Ice Baby!

Hours later our flight was cancelled and we headed back to the hotel. The gal at the front desk was not surprised to see us. She had placed our room keys to the side for our anticipated return. She informed us the hotel restaurant was now open and she was going to comp our meals. Thank you, Ice Ice Baby! In true Skytress form, we ladies changed our clothes and were sitting in the restaurant in a matter of minutes. A pilot from one of the earlier cancelled flights was eating in the restaurant when we arrived. He came over to speak with us. We told him about our eventful, or should I say, uneventful, morning at the airport. He then explained he and the pilots from the other cancelled flights were going to host an impromptu Christmas party later that afternoon. He graciously invited us and our pilots to their Christmas party. We knew our sweet first officer had his fill of the Captain that day. We wanted him to experience some Christmas cheer. So, we called Ray and told him about the party. We told him we weren’t going to invite our grumpy Captain, though. We were thrilled when Ray joined us at the Christmas party. It was at the party we learned about the pilots slip-sliding icy adventure to the grocery store. Yep, Ice Ice Baby! The pilots said they were determined to make it to the store and back to the hotel with some Christmas goodies. They deemed it “The Christmas Challenge”. Luckily for the rest of us, they bought a marvelous assortment of food and Christmas items. The Skytresses from my crew and the other crews were definitely impressed. Needless to say, we all had a festive time hanging out with our airline family members. The next day no one on our crew mentioned the Christmas party to the Captain. It was our Christmas secret. Alas, Ice Ice Baby!’s not a secret anymore.

Megan The Entertainer

My Dad always said my youngest niece, Megan, was put on Earth to entertain us. On Sunday, February 28th, Megan will celebrate her 21st birthday. For those following along, that means Megan has been our free entertainment for 21 years. Well, I shouldn’t say it’s been free entertainment. We do give her gifts on her birthday, Christmas and on many occasions when we can’t help ourselves. And if Linzer cookies are considered an acceptable form of payment…..well then, I’ve made quite a few deposits into Megan’s entertainment fund. Thankfully for me, Megan loves Linzer cookies! Mostly, though, we are Megan’s best…cheap audience. We do double over in laughter more times than not. That has to count for something, right?

Linzer cookies are priceless
“Ears”… to Megan for always entertaining us

When Megan was a wee little one I used to ask her what her name was. She would animatedly proclaim her name was, “Sassy”. It cracked me up. If she would have said, “Spitfire”, I would have completely agreed with this moniker, too. Miss Sassy loved watching Scooby Doo cartoons when she was little. She would methodically place her chair directly in front of the TV and climb up into it with her much-loved Eeyore in tow. Megan would become so transfixed on the cartoon she would ignore everyone and everything around her. Then, as if she couldn’t quite believe she was actually watching the cartoon, she would turn to whoever was in the room with her and exclaim, “Scobby Doo!” Just as quickly as she proclaimed this, she would turn back to the TV and go back into her Scooby Doo trance. Every once in awhile she would shout out she needed some “Oat-Me-Meal”. I never corrected her on her pronunciation of oatmeal. When Miss Sassy said, “Oat-Me-Meal” my heart would melt from the utter cuteness. To this day, I will tell my crew I am going to have some “Oat-Me Meal”. Shockingly, my crew doesn’t look at me with complete adoration like I did with Miss Sassy. But, I always smile. I flashback to young Megan sitting in her chair with her beloved Eeyore. It’s all I can do to stop my Skytress self from squealing “Scooby Doo!”

Miss Sassy and Eeyore watching Scooby Doo

Megan always had an innate ability to entertain us. One day when Megan was finally tall enough to reach the light switch, she took great delight in flipping the lights on and off. My Mom and I chuckled as we watched her. Finally, my Mom decided we were encouraging bad behavior. So she said, “Megan. No. No” Without skipping a beat, Megan shook her pointer finger at my Mom and said, “No. No”. With her other hand she continued to flip the lights on and off. My Mom and I started to laugh. Megan laughed, too. Yes. The best entertainers always know how to make their audience laugh. We make Megan laugh when we remind her she used to go behind the living room chair to go potty. Ah, potty training. Megan was not a fan of it when she was a toddler. Megan loved to run and hide behind my parent’s wing back chair in the living room to go potty. We always knew what Megan was doing when she would sneak off. Of course, we would call to Megan and ask if she needed to use the potty. She would refuse to answer. Then she would reappear as if nothing had happened in the living room. It was quite the performance. Not a believable performance. But, a performance nonetheless. Some of Megan’s best dramatization came when she was trying to convince someone into giving her ice cream. Megan would sweetly ask an unsuspecting adult if she could have some vanilla ice cream to eat. Vanilla was her favorite. When she would be denied she would plead her case. She would ultimately petition for just a glob of ice cream. A glob was a big scoop. Not a full cup of ice cream. Why it was barely eating ice cream in Megan’s world. Much to Megan’s chagrin, she rarely won the ice cream debate. It was quite entertaining for the rest of us to see her try, though. These days when we have ice cream, we ask Megan if she would like a glob. Funny enough….It’s become a favorite family expression.

How could anyone deny this cutie a glob of ice cream

My sister says Megan is just like me. I take this as a wonderful compliment. I think I am fabulous! My sister means Megan has inherited my love of cleaning and organizing. Yep, it’s still a compliment, as far as I am concerned. When Megan was a little girl, she used to put all her stuffed animals in the hallway before she went to bed. She wanted a clean room to go to sleep in. It was quite the nightly ritual. My sister finally told Megan she couldn’t do this. However, she did allow Megan to lay her clothes out to wear the next day. Megan would carefully place each piece of clothing on her bedroom floor. It resembled a body at a crime scene. A little police tape and no one would have questioned whether there had been a crime committed in Megan’s room. Lucky for me, Megan always wants organizational items for her Christmas and birthday gifts. Oh, this warms the cockles of my heart. I try not to the one that always buys her organizational items. But, it makes us both so happy. So I succumb….a lot. Many times when something needs to be cleaned or organized, Megan is called to tackle the job. After my Dad passed away I cleaned out his office file cabinets. Stacks of papers needed to be shredded. It was a daunting task. My Dad loved to make multiple copies of important papers. I didn’t mind going through the files to determine what needed to be shredded. I did discovered, though, I loathe shredding paper. Fortunately, Megan told me she would shred all the files. I still marvel at her persistence in shredding the enormous stacks of papers. I did pay Megan to shred the papers. I didn’t pay her in Linzer cookies, either. No. Real hard cash was exchanged. Two things I love about Megan….she is a hard worker….and she loves money. It’s true. Megan really IS just like me!

Celebrating my Dad’s birthday in Heaven is a piece of cake for Megan and me

You may recall Megan’s sisters were into dance when they were younger. Megan tried dancing. But, she decided early on that dancing was not for her. Well, expect for Wii Nintendo dancing. Megan was exceptional at this type of dancing. Her enthusiasm even got me to bust a move or two. Thankfully, there is no footage of my two moves. Even though Megan excelled at dancing to “Iko Iko” and “Viva Las Vegas”, soccer was her true passion. The kicker….I couldn’t help it…is that Megan was… and I am quite positive… still is, a wonderful soccer player. Megan played soccer for an elite soccer team in St. Louis. She also played on her high school soccer team. She was a captain on the team. At one point Megan played so much soccer I would tease her that she played more than the professional players did. Megan reluctantly gave up soccer several years ago when she went to college. We knew it was a hard decision for her. However, she wanted to concentrate on her college studies. I’m proud to say, Megan also excels when it comes to her education.

Just a typical day dancing in a green suit in the kitchen
If you see two Megans you have perfect 20/20 eyesight

Megan is extremely smart. Ah, something else we both have in common. Megan is following in her Mom’s footsteps by studying to become a physical therapist. Megan is a third-year student at St. Louis University. The physical therapy program is a six-year program. This summer Megan will have her gross anatomy classes. I can only imagine the dinner discussions at the Hamill house. I remember dinners at our house when my sister took gross anatomy. Let’s just say it was gross. I will relish the day I get to call Megan, “Dr. Megan”. However, she shouldn’t be surprised if we call her Dr. Meggie-Moo. She is after all, Meggie-Moo to her family. What happened to “Sassy” you ask? Sadly, “Sassy” was just a childhood phase Megan quickly grew out of.

The future Dr.Megan and her parents

Megan is very creative. This is definitely a common trait of the Hamill sisters. There isn’t a Hobby Lobby or Michael’s that is safe from the likes of Megan and her sisters. Much to my amusement, Megan and her sisters use store items as props for their impromptu videos. Talk about entertaining! Megan’s TikTok posts are just as entertaining. I am amazed with her synchronization and creativity. Megan may get frustrated when her sister Jamie gets over 20,000 views on a TikTok post. But, I gleefully cheer at Megan’s creativity and execution every time she posts something. I admit. I am a fabulous fan and audience.

Megan lost her head at Michael’s ….fortunately she found a replacement

Megan is not only entertaining. She is also an incredible young woman. She has always volunteered at church with her sisters. She is quick to help those in need. Whether it be a friend or a stranger. Megan was also the catalyst for throwing marvelous birthday parties for my brother up at the high school. Our family will forever be grateful for this. As you can easily tell, Megan embodies love. Megan is a beautiful blessing to us all. My Dad was correct when he said Megan was put on Earth to entertain us. I can only imagine the journey Megan will take in her lifetime. I do know it will be a joyful, happy journey. It couldn’t be anything else. For Megan is the entertainer. Lucky for us, we get to be her audience.

Holy Smokes….Megan is amazing at throwing birthday parties

Fat Tuesday

St. Patrick’s Day is my favorite holiday. But, if I have to be honest, Fat Tuesday is my favorite day for celebrating. Ah, yes, Mardi Gras you say. I’m definitely aware of the fact that millions of people love Mardi Gras. Heck, St. Louis has the second largest Mardi Gras celebration in the country. Shockingly, though, I’m not a big fan of Mardi Gras. I am, however, a huge fan of Fat Tuesday. You may be scratching your head thinking Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday are the same thing. Nope. At least not in my book. Yes, Mardi Gras is French for Fat Tuesday. But, this is where the similarities end….at least, for me. Mardi Gras is filled with food, drinks, parades, colorful costumes, flying beads, and lively music. Fat Tuesday is just filled with food. Mardi Gras celebrants say, “Laissez les bond temps rouler”…”Let the good times roll.” Fat Tuesday celebrants say, “Let’s eat!” Okay, let’s!

My family usually starts Fat Tuesday off with Paczkis. Huh? Paczki are Polish doughnuts eaten on Fat Tuesday. My Irish family barely knows how to pronounce Gaelic words. We definitely botch the pronunciation of Paczki. So, we just call them, “the Fat Tuesday” doughnuts. I always buy the strawberry filled and the chocolate Bavarian cream filled Paczkis. Because it’s Fat Tuesday, we must have one of each. Why must we eat one of each? Well, this is our unwritten Fat Tuesday family rule. This rule dates back to the first time we had Paczkis. It was too hard to decide which type of doughnut we wanted to eat. Since it was Fat Tuesday, it was decided everyone should have one of each and not feel guilty about it. Isn’t this the most delightful family rule? There is a downside of eating two Paczkis, though. Once the sugar starts wearing off you definitely need to take a nap. Thankfully, one of my favorite things in life is taking a nap after breakfast. Following the mandatory Paczki nap, I find it necessary to have a wee bit more sugar to have ample energy to get back into the Fat Tuesday eating game. Fortunately, this year we have leftover Valentine’s Day treats. Sweet!

Paczki....yes, please
Paczki….yes, please

Lunch on Fat Tuesday usually isn’t too set in stone. I find it best to just eat all the junk food around the house. Need I remind you?….It IS Fat Tuesday. Don’t worry. Everyone will eat protein later. I decided long ago it’s best to finish the junk food lunch meal with a few grapes, a banana or pear. It tricks the mind into thinking you have eaten a healthy lunch. I should mention, lunch should not be a quick meal. I repeat….it should not be a quick meal. Fat Tuesday lasts for 24 hours. Thus, a leisurely lunch is only appropriate in the grand scheme of things.

Fat Tuesday dinner usually consists of Gumbo, Jambalaya, or shrimp étouffée. Yes, it’s my homage to Mardi Gras. See, I’m not a complete Mardi Gras heathen. And let’s face it….Creole food is delicious. I do suggest everyone refrain from eating shrimp étouffée with rabbit in it, though. Once on my New Orleans layover I got shrimp étouffée and it had rabbit in it. Unfortunately, I learned with my first bite that I’m not a fan of cooked rabbit. It ruined my étouffée. You can bet, next time I will read the menu more closely. My family can tell you, I love to go with pasta Jambalaya on Fat Tuesday. I take comfort in knowing everyone is eating a heaping dose of protein with the Jambalaya. The chicken, shrimp and andouille sausage are a welcome reprieve from all the sugary Fat Tuesday food. Jambalaya also has a healthy dose of vegetables…..celery, peppers, onion, tomatoes and garlic. If I make the Jambalaya correctly, though, no one will notice the vegetables. No, everyone’s lips will be tingling from the incredible creole spices. Now, I am well aware that Jambalaya is made with rice most of the time. But, I like to make mine with pasta on Fat Tuesday. I don’t want people to get confused and think I am celebrating Mardi Gras. No, my homage to Mardi Gras is just a wee bit of a homage. Again…I celebrate Fat Tuesday and not Mardi Gras. Thankfully, the pasta fills everyone’s belly until it is time for dessert. Hey, it’s Fat Tuesday. We HAVE to eat dessert!

Many people eat King Cake for dessert on Mardi Gras. Thankfully, I celebrate Fat Tuesday. In my humble opinion, the only good things about the King Cake are the icing and the purple, green and gold sugar toppings. The rest of the cake is too dry and tasteless for me. My Fat Tuesday dessert calls for something more special than King Cake. This year I have made the executive decision to make peach cobbler. If you remember from my past blog posts….peach cobbler is my favorite! Plus, I found a new cobbler recipe on Pinterest I’m dying to try. Peach cobbler topped with ice cream will definitely trump the King Cake on my Fat Tuesday.

If you think Fat Tuesday concludes with dessert, you would be sorely mistaken. Fat Tuesday lasts until 11:59pm. There is absolutely more time to eat after dessert. What do we eat? Well, we eat any leftover Paczki, of course. We definitely call it a day after we eat more Paczki, though. Remember, I take a nap after eating Paczkis for breakfast. The day was young then. Eating more Paczki after a day of eating everything on Fat Tuesday, will definitely require at least eight hours of sleep. Obviously, we have to eat the Paczkis before we go to bed. After all, we can’t eat them on Ash Wednesday. At least we can’t in our house. No. We have to fast on Ash Wednesday. Traditionally, the Fat Tuesday celebration ends with a big glass of water. Yes, we need to prep our bellies for all the water we will drink on Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday we are supposed to only drink water until it’s time to eat dinner. If I am being a good Catholic girl I will serve fish for dinner on Ash Wednesday. It will be the first of many fish dinners during Lent. Thankfully, this past Saturday, my sister, brother and I noticed the Catholic Church closest to our house is going to have it’s annual Lenten Friday fish fry. We all were very excited to see the Friday Fish Fry sign. I can personally vouch, the best fish dinners during Lent come straight out of God’s house.

Snoopy and the gang help me fill my belly with water
Snoopy and the gang help me fill my belly with water

Fat Tuesday is undoubtedly a glorious day of feasting. Unlike Thanksgiving, though, Fat Tuesday is much less organized eating. Everyone can free-form eat on Fat Tuesday. How lucky is this? Very! It’s almost as lucky as St. Patrick’s Day…..again…my favorite holiday. Don’t worry. You will read all about my favorite holiday in a few weeks. Lucky for me and my fellow celebrants….Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday. Let’s eat! Okay, let’s!

Valentine’s Day cookie leftovers on Fat Tuesday makes my heart smile

Catching The Super Bowl

My Mom’s two favorite quarterbacks played against each other yesterday in Super Bowl LV. Yes, my Mom is a Tom Brady fan. She realizes she is only one of a handful of Brady fans living outside the New England and Tampa Bay areas. But, she doesn’t mind. She still roots for him. Patrick Mahomes is definitely her favorite of the two quarterbacks. So, we were a unified Kansas City Chiefs family as we watched the Super Bowl. It was a very small party of four this year. My Mom, my brother Brian, my sister Patti and I had our own Covid-19 Super Bowl party. It was a far cry from the Super Bowl parties my family used to host. Nonetheless, I served enough Super Bowl food to satisfy a football stadium filled with Chief fans. We really didn’t miss all the other party goers, though. You know me, I love a good party theme!

The cookie was much better than the game for us Chief fans

You may remember my Dad loved a good party. Throw in the Super Bowl and my Dad was in all his glory. Our friends and neighbors loved a good Super Bowl party, too. Everyone was always excited to come to our house to cheer on their favorite team. My Dad and our family friend, Rick, would set up the Super Bowl betting chart. Amazingly, Rick won most of the betting money after each quarter. I believe Rick was in direct communication with the players on the field. But, I can’t prove anything and Rick won’t divulge any information. I remember the year Coke had their big 3-D commercial during the Super Bowl. Everyone sat in our family room with their 3-D glasses on. Strangely, watching everyone wearing their 3-D glasses to view the commercial was more entertaining than the commercial itself. The same group of family and friends were gathered around the TV for Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction during the Super Bowl 38 halftime show. Coincidentally, Rick was the only person paying attention to the halftime show at the revealing moment. I swear Rick was in direct communication with Justin Timberlake on the field. I believe Rick was privy to what was about to happen. Again, I can’t prove anything…..and Rick most certainly has never….EXPOSED …..any information.

The 3-D glasses worked….at making us laugh

One year I was laying over in Chicago on Super Bowl Sunday. My friend Tara came to pick me up at our layover hotel and we went to our friend Kal’s house for a party. Tara’s husband was out of town. So the only person we knew at the party was Kal himself. Kal loves all sports….Cubs baseball, Michigan Wolverines football, racing yachts, just to name a few. Kal is, also, a vey down-to-earth person. Thus, many people aren’t aware that Kal is quite the intellectual. Tara and I are definitely down-to-earth and intelligent women. However, the group of friends Kal had invited to his party were down-to-earth uber intellectuals. They could talk circles around me on a plethora of subjects. Football, however, was not a subject they knew much about. Tara and I giggled under our breaths as we listened to Kal’s friends trying to figure out the complexities of the game. It was, without a doubt, the most unusual Super Bowl party I ever attended. In spite of this, I throughly enjoyed myself. I can’t remember who won the game…or even what teams played in the Super Bowl that year. I do remember I made Paula Deen’s lemon blossoms and brought them to the party. As you know, I adore Super Bowl food. The lemon glazed mini-muffins weren’t actually Super Bowl style food. But, since Kal’s friends weren’t actually football fans, I guess it was an appropriate Super Bowl dessert. Plus, they were yummy tum-tum delicious.

When I lived in Atlanta my St. Louis Rams came to town to play in the Super Bowl. Lucky for me, my friend Shannon had a Super Bowl party. I was beyond excited to watch my Rams play the Tennessee Titans. Thankfully for me, my friends were also rooting for the Rams. We faithfully watched each play. We cheered whenever the Rams completed a pass or made a timely tackle. We celebrated each time they scored. It was thrilling. My Rams looked like they were going to easily win the game. But, no!!! The Titans fought hard in the fourth quarter and tied the game with two minutes left. I was extremely nervous for my Rams. Then without a warming Shannon’s cable went out. We were stunned. No one moved. We waited for the TV to pop back on. Nope. It didn’t happen. There was a little freezing rain in Atlanta that day. Yes. Hot Atlanta was anything but hot. There wasn’t enough time for me to drive home to catch the end of the game. I was beside myself. It’s not every day your team plays in the Super Bowl. I called my parents to get an update on the game. They couldn’t believe we were missing it. My family tried to relay what was happening on the field. Their play-by-play was awful because the game was too exciting. All I could hear was their exuberant cheering and passionate screaming. It was futile to even try to explain to my friends what was happening in the game. Shannon eventually thought to turned the radio on in the kitchen. We all stood around the radio and listened to the game. The radio announcers we ecstatic. The Rams quarterback, Kurt Warner, threw a 73- yard touchdown pass to regain the lead. The Titans refused to quit. They drove the ball to the Rams 10-yard line with six seconds left in the game. Miraculously, the Rams stopped the Titans on the one-yard line and the game was over. It took a few seconds for Shannon and I too comprehend what had happened. Holy Moly…..The Rams won the Super Bowl! Shannon and I were elated! It was ABSOLUTELY the best Super Bowl I never actually watched.

I distinctly remember the last Super Bowl I caught on a layover. I flew with Ron and his friend Tim. Ron and Tim were junior to me in in-flight. The boys knew perfectly well they would have to fly Super Bowl Sunday. So, they looked for a trip that would get them to a layover in time to catch the game. Remarkably, another position on their trip opened up. Ron asked me if I would like to fly with them. I thought it would be a blast. So, I quickly swapped on to the trip. I was the only Skytress among three Skyters. Our Skyter In-Charge also swapped on to the trip. His original trip he was to fly with a Skytress named Ting Ting. Incredulously, he didn’t feel he could call a grown woman Ting Ting for three days. Ron, Tim and I couldn’t understand this rationale since Ting Ting really was her name. Therefore, without skipping a beat, I jokingly started calling him Ting Ting. Ron and Tim followed my lead. We casually mentioned to our pilots our Skyter In-Charge name was Ting Ting. You cannot imagine our glee when our Captain came back into the cabin to brief our Skyter In-Charge before the passengers boarded. The Captain turned to our Skyter In-Charge and innocently asked, “Ting Ting are you ready to brief?” The three of us doubled over laughing.

Ron, Tim, Ting Ting and I decided we would go to a bar to watch the Super Bowl game. The first establishment we went to was overflowing with people. We decided we would mosey on to the next place. We discovered a New Orlean themed restaurant-bar a few blocks away. We knew people in New Orleans like to party. Thus, we determined this place would be an ideal spot to catch the football game. The restaurant had an additional bar area set up in the back for watching the Super Bowl. There weren’t too many people sitting in this back section. Apparently, people in San Antonio don’t hang out in New Orleans themed restaurants. This was okay for us. We wanted to catch the game and still be able to talk with each other. Ron, Ting Ting and I were rooting for the Seattle Seahawks. Tim was rooting for whatever team was going to win him money at the end of each quarter. Tim was making out like a bandit. He was very pleased. Ron, Ting Ting and I were happy because it looked like the Seahawks were going to beat the Patriots with a game ending touchdown. But, no. It didn’t happen. Seattle lost the game in the final seconds. Yes, the Seahawks were about to score with 26 seconds left in the game. They were on the 1-yard line when Russell Wilson threw the football and it was intercepted by the Patriots. The game was over. Ting Ting was devastated. The majority of the people in the restaurant were pulling for the Seahawks. Disappointment hung in the air. Ron and I took it all in stride. Thankfully, neither team was really our favorite. We simply liked the Seahawks a wee bit more than the Patriots. I remember it was a strikingly cold evening as we walked back to the hotel. Tim had a lot of energy. He walked enthusiastically ahead of us. I’m sure his quick pace was fueled by his multiple betting wins. Ting Ting was upset and walked back to the hotel in utter frustration. Ron and I followed behind laughing at Tim and Ting Ting scurrying back to the hotel. The next day Ting Ting was still upset about the ending to the game. He would get furious at the mention of the interception. Ron and I laughed about it for days. For months afterwards, Ron would bring up Ting Ting’s name and wonder if he was still upset about the Seahawks losing the Super Bowl.

This year I wondered which team Ting Ting was rooting for… Chiefs or Tom Brady’s Buccaneers. Well, My Chiefs lost the Super Bowl. I was sad for them. Although my Mom was rooting for the Chiefs, her second favorite quarterback won. I guess Mom really couldn’t lose this year. This Super Bowl the commercials were better than I expected. I was pleasantly surprised. The halftime show was a wee bit different. But, hey, I usually feel this way after watching it. Will I remember the score in a week or two? Probably not. I probably won’t even remember what teams played in the game six months from now. I will remember the food I served, though. I don’t want to serve the same thing next year when I watch the Super Bowl. That would be an ugly loss in my book.

My football whooping pies were a winner in my book…..but, I have yet to make them again

My Annual Skytress Training

I flew to Atlanta on Sunday, January 24th for my annual Skytress training. I had to be at the training center the next morning at 610am. I had been dreading going to training since I got my annual Skytress training email in November. If you are, or ever were, a Skytress or Skyter, you definitely understand the fact my stomach had been doing flips all week long. My nerves were becoming more frayed as my training date approached. I tried to study one last time on my flight to Atlanta. But, my brain didn’t want to cooperate anymore. It was tired from my marathon week of studying. I closed my study guide. I closed my eyes. And I thought about Ron.

My last day I saw Ron alive we went through his emergency airplane door drills. He had his annual Skyter training coming up. Just like me, he was nervous about training. He asked me to shout out the pilot emergency commands and he would go through the motions of evacuating the airplane. We reviewed each aircraft. Ron was flawless with his evacuation drills. Understandably, he was still nervous about executing the drills perfectly at training. I gave him a reassuring hug. Annual training has a way of making the most confident person feel scared of failing. Looking back on that day, I wished we had hugged many more times than we did. Sadly, even if we hugged a million times that day, it wouldn’t have been enough to sustain me for the days that have followed. I clearly remember we held hands a lot that day. I remember feeling the callouses on Ron’s hands as our fingers entwined. It’s silly, but, I always liked to gently rub his callouses with my thumb. It always made me smile. Yes. It’s a sweet memory now. I, undoubtedly, remember our last kisses. Especially our final kiss. If I had known it would be our last, I would have kissed him longer. When we said our goodbyes that day we held our gaze a little longer than usual. I recall we smiled sweetly at each other. Neither of us spoke. We simply smiled. Then in unison we gently waved goodbye.

As I sat on my flight to Atlanta, I recalled how Ron always reassured me when I was nervous about my annual Skytress training. He would repeatedly say, “You’re a smart girl. You are going to do just fine”. I tried to let his words wash over me as we made our final descent into Atlanta. Then, I gave myself my annual Skytress training pep talk. “You get nervous each year. But, each year you pass training. You’ve studied. You know this material.” “Believe and know that everything will be okay.” “If you happen to fail, you can retire.” This last thought made me laugh. Then my nerves kicked in. I reminded myself I might be a thirty- year Skytress, but, I was definitely too young to retire!

Fortunately, when I got to the hotel the NFL playoff games were on TV. It was a welcomed distraction. I fell asleep once the football games were over. Then two hours later I woke up. I tossed and turned the rest of the night. Each time I woke up I went through my evacuation commands. I wasn’t the only one that had a restless night sleeping. At 540am I went downstairs to the lobby and met up with the other Skytresses and Skyters going to training. Everyone was exhausted. Nobody had slept well through the night. Our sleep-deprived bodies yearned to be on our flights home.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first walked into the training center. I knew things would be different because of COVID-19. Yes, things were different. There were multiple signs reminding everyone about social distancing and wearing masks. Chairs and tables were placed at least six-feet apart. There were distancing markers placed on the floors throughout the building. Thankfully the training center didn’t look cold and uninviting. No, quite the contrary. Somehow the training center had a warm, modern-hip feel to it. The bright red swivel chairs were fun and comfortable. The white tables were sleek and shiny. The lights that cascaded down on them made them welcoming to the eyes. The real warmth of the training center, however, came from my fellow Skytresses and Skyters. We were all very nervous. But, everyone was encouraging each other. We knew we would get through the training day as a crew. There is something to be said about the annual training camaraderie. It’s special. It makes me extremely proud to be a member of my airline family.

This year I only had seven Skytresses in my small training class. The classes were smaller so everyone could be socially distanced. Normally my small training class would have twenty-five Skytresses and Skyters in it. This year we, also, had to wear goggles whenever we couldn’t maintain social distance with one another. In addition, our instructors wiped down everything we touched with disinfectant. Their eagle-eyes caught everything we touched. I tried to catch myself from mindlessly touching things. I wished I had kept my hands behind my back while I inspected the emergency equipment attached to a whiteboard. Instead I touched each piece of equipment to determine if the pre-flight check was air worthy or not. I passed the pre-flight equipment test. I definitely failed the “stop touching things” test.

I had two incredible instructors this year. They were extremely kind. I thoroughly appreciated their wonderful senses of humor, too. Their calm demeanors made us all feel comfortable and relaxed. Well, as comfortable and relaxed as one can feel at training. More importantly, they reignited our confidence that we were going to pass each component of our emergency door evacuation drills. And we all did!

This year we had to successfully evacuate 12 different types of aircrafts. Our airline retired several types of aircrafts this year. Thus, we actually had fewer evacuations drills. Woo-hoo for us! We, also, had 2 aircraft window evacuations. This section of training we affectionately refer to as “the doors”. We nervously waited in the Sky Lounge while each instructor took one Skytress in to the airplane mock-up room. This room is an enormously long room filled with different types of aircraft doors and windows. There are multiple doors and emergency windows of each aircraft in this room. This enables several instructors from different classes to evaluate their group of Skytresses and Skyters in the same room. There are signs attached to each airplane mock-up to remind you of the type airplane door or window you are facing. The instructors also reminds you of the door or window you are looking at. In the whirlwind of going from one door evacuation to another it’s an appreciated helpful reminder.

The instructors ask each Skytresses and Skyters to arm and disarm each door. We arm an aircraft door so it is ready for an evacuation. On an actual airplane, aircraft doors are always armed for an evacuation as soon as the jetway is pulled away from the aircraft. In training, we arm the doors so we can get ready to go through our evacuation proficiency drills. Once the door is armed, we sit on a jumpseat and wait for the instructor to play the crash tape. You guessed it. The crash tape is a recording of an airplane crashing. Next you hear a voice give the pilot commands. We shout our emergency commands based on each pilot command signal. We have procedures to accomplish with each pilot command. If a Skytress or Skyter misses a component of a procedure, or if they fail to shout the proper command, the evacuation has to be redone. The instructors cannot tell the Skytress or Skyter the actual component they missed. If the second attempt is not perfect, then the instructor can explain the component that was missed. One more attempt for a successful evacuation will happen at the end of the day. If the third attempt is not successful, the Skytress or Skyter will be shot. Not really. But, it would be less painful than being pulled from flying and having to come back for additional training.

Of course, our training day is always filled with security, CPR, utilizing the emergency equipment and reviewing numerous sections in our manuals. Oh, but, my least favorite part of annual Skytress training is the Event Management Validation section. In the EMV section of training, we re-enact potential emergencies on the airplane as a crew. Our instructors evaluate our knowledge and response to each emergency. This section of training reminds me of when I was a child and played pretend school with my friends. Except when we were children, we didn’t have our parents in the room making sure we didn’t make any mistakes while we played school. This year the scenarios didn’t seem as daunting. I think the smaller class size really helped me. Okay. Let me be honest……It also helped that we had less scenarios to re-enact this year. Woo-hoo for us! I was proud that my fellow Skytresses and I really worked well as a crew. Our instructors seemed like they were part of our crew…..and not scrutinizing parents. I truly appreciated this. After we debriefed our last emergency scenario we were finished with our training. And just like that….my stress was gone. Yes, we all retained our FAA qualifications for another 18 months. Wait….did I say my stress was gone? Silly me. I still had to go through regular security at the airport to get home. That was another kind of dreaded stress.

I cannot remember the last time I went through security as a regular passenger. It has been years. Usually, I go through the Known Crew Member security line. Or I wear my Skytress uniform and go through the regular security line. Either way, I am exempt from the liquid carry-on restrictions when I am in my Skytress uniform. Because I was on a company leave this month, I couldn’t use the Known Crew Member security line. Since I came from training and was wearing my regular clothes, I had to adhere to the regular passenger security procedures. I went through all my crew bags several times that day to make sure I didn’t have any extra liquids besides the ones in my regulation quart-size plastic bag. I was definitely stressed I had missed something in my crew bags. To make matters worse, I normally don’t have a ticket when I go through security. I just show my airline ID when I am in my uniform to the TSA agent. I thought I was properly prepared by having my ticket displayed on my phone to show the TSA agent. Unfortunately, I didn’t know I had to place my phone on the TSA agent’s machine for it to scan my ticket in order for me to proceed past him. It was an awkward moment or two for me. It was definitely a frustrating moment or two for the TSA agent. My next blunder came when I pulled out my computer and put it in the bin to go through the screening process. I took my iPad out. I just forgot to take it out of it’s case. In my defense, I never have to take my iPad out of my crew bags when I am in uniform and I go through security. Atlanta has a rolling bin system to keep the security line moving. Unfortunately, I wasn’t up to speed on this procedure, either. My only thought was that the TSA agent had seen worse than me. Or at least, I hoped she had. Now, I’ve watched hundreds of passengers go through the full-body scanning machine. I know you won’t be surprised to learn I, myself, have never had to stand inside this machine before. I was throughly ready to mess up this procedure, too. Fortunately for everyone involved, the TSA agent waved me through the regular metal detector machine. Woo-hoo for me! Woo-hoo for the TSA agent, too! I confidently walked through the detector to the other side. Thankfully, I was very familiar with this part of security. And just like that…my stress was gone again.

I planned to work on my blog on my flight home to St. Louis. Instead I closed my eyes and I thought about Ron. I know he would have been proud of me for surviving my annual Skytress training. I could hear his voice, “You’re a smart girl”. I know he would have been proud of me for surviving my ordeal going through regular security, too. Actually, I know he would have laughed. I could hear his voice clearly say to me, “You’re funny”. Yes, going to my annual Skytress training is always a stressful adventure. Fortunately, I passed and I can laugh about it all now. Mr. Paden you are correct. I am a smart and funny girl.