Act Like A Pilot

There are several memes on Pinterest that make me chuckle every time I see them. There is an image of a gold Oscar next to an airplane window. The words in each meme are, “And the Oscar goes to your flight attendant…..for acting like…”. Each meme has a funny relatable comment that follows. In my head I add a few witty comments myself. Such as,… “And the Oscar goes to your flight attendant…..for acting calm when you tell her you don’t want ice in your drink AFTER you silently sat there watching her put ice in your cup and pour your drink. Or, “And the Oscar goes to your flight attendant ….for acting like she has never heard the witty comment,… ‘I’ll have the steak and she will have the lobster’…when she comes to your row to serve you a beverage”. Ideally though, Skytresses and Skyters should get an Oscar for all the times we act like a pilot. Acting like pilots has come in handy numerous times in my career. There are even days when I remind myself to act like a pilot. Unfortunately, the other day I forgot. So the Oscar went to someone else.

The Oscar goes to Pinterest for understanding our job

When I woke up in Fort Myers on January 10th, I lifted my phone off the night stand and learned from the Weather Channel that there was a FAA ground stop due to a system outage. Egads! I’ll admit. I groaned a wee bit. I did stop shy of cursing. Heck. It wasn’t our go home day. I try to keep the cursing for when things go wrong on our go home day. Instead, bleary-eyed me looked at our rotation to see what this stoppage meant for me and my crew. I quickly learned we would be departing the hotel an hour later than scheduled. I could hear the cleaning ladies circling outside my hotel room. I was convinced if I opened my door the housekeeper would have sashayed into the room with her vacuum. I knew I needed to alert the authorities to give the command for the housekeepers to retreat for another hour. So, I called the ultimate authorities. Yessiree. I called down to the hotel front desk. Remarkably, while staying at this hotel I have had several scheduled pickup times changed for a later departure time. The hotel has always been accommodating changing our check out time. Just like previous trips, I called down to the front desk to let them know we would be departing an hour later than scheduled. Shockingly, the gentleman at the front desk told us we would need to check out at our regular time. Huh?! I was flabbergasted when he told me this. The gentleman explained we were more than welcome to hang out in the hotel lobby or hotel restaurants until our crew van arrived. However, housekeeping needed to turn our rooms around because they were completely booked for the evening. I immediately regretted calling the front desk. I knew I should have just told my crew to meet in the lobby an hour later than our original pick-up time and never involve the hotel guy. Heck, if housekeeping knocked on our doors I’d inform them we would be checking out in an hour. By the time they got things figured out at their end, we would be sitting in the van heading to the airport. Long story short, though, my crew and I went down to the lobby at our original pickup time. Don’t feel too bad for us, though. We drank tea and talked for an hour. Ah yes. These are two of our Skytress super powers. One of our pilots was sitting in the restaurant when we came down. He told us that he saw our pickup time had changed. Unlike us, he didn’t call anyone. Nope. He just went to lunch at a later time and then went upstairs to get ready for pickup. The Captain did the same. My Skytress In-Charge and I jokingly said we should have acted like the pilots. No one at the hotel questioned why the pilots were still in their rooms. Ah, yes. Lesson learned.

The first time I learned acting like a pilot was a beneficial skill, happened while I was on a layover in Shreveport. My crew and I had one of the hotel shuttle drivers take us to a local restaurant. After eating a delightful meal, we called the hotel to have a shuttle driver come pick us up. The gal at the front desk told us she would radio the shuttle driver. My crew and I stood outside the restaurant and waited for the driver to come. And we waited. Yessiree. We waited outside the restaurant for an inordinate amount of time. We laughed and joked that gal at the front desk never told any of the drivers to pick us up because we were just Skytresses and Skyters. Of course, we decided to call the hotel again. This time I had the Skyter on our crew call and tell the gal at the front desk he was a Captain that needed a ride back to the hotel. A few minutes later another shuttle driver pulled up to the restaurant. While we were riding back to the hotel, the gal at the front desk radioed the driver. She informed him in an uncaring voice there were some Skytresses and Skyters that needed to be picked up. We all looked at each other and laughed. The driver was confused when we told him the Skytresses and Skyters were already in the shuttle. He did laughed along with us when we told him we acted like pilots so the hotel gal would send him immediately to pick us up. Ah, yes. When a pilot talks, people listen. Needless to say, I have reprised the roll of a pilot numerous times since that layover. Each time it has been an Oscar winning performance!

Ron and I used to chuckle every time he would get mistaken for a pilot. The truth be told, there aren’t too many six-foot three Skyters at our airline or any airline for that matter. When Ron was traveling out of uniform other pilots would notice his crew bags and ask him what type of equipment he flew. Ron would reply, “I fly them all”. After they would give them a quizzical look he would smile and tell them he wasn’t a pilot, he was a Skyter. On several occasions when Ron and I were flying together, the pilots weren’t able to stand at the cockpit door to say goodbye to the passengers. Ron would stand at the cockpit door because he was the Skyter In-Charge. Passengers would look at Ron and tell him “Great landing” or “Thanks Captain”. Ron would nod his head and say, “Thank you”. After the passengers stepped off the airplane we would look at each other and crack up. Yessiree. Ron had no problem acting like a pilot. Boy, I wish I had an Oscar to give to him.

I was flying with Ron’s friend, Skip one day. We went to get barbecue on our Syracuse layover. We didn’t realize there was a marathon happening that day. So,when we arrived at the restaurant it was packed. People were fighting for a place to sit. Skip had his airline baseball cap on. The sea of people parted when they noticed Skip’s hat. Skip and I got two prime seats at the bar to eat our meal. As people struggled to get the bartenders attention, they all wanted to know if Skip was a pilot for our airline. He told each person that he was better than a pilot. He told them he was a Skyter. No one believed him. I guess Skip just naturally acted like a pilot. I didn’t say anything to the inquisitive people. Heck. We got served quicker than other patrons. Being mistaken for a pilot definitely has it’s perks.

Needless to say, I have been observing pilots for 33 years. I’ll admit. Dating, Captain Pilot, gave me a better understanding of how pilots act on and off the airplane. They are decisive. They are direct in their communication. They always have a plan. And a backup plan to their primary plan. Rarely does anyone question them while they are in uniform. Even when they aren’t in uniform, no one questions them when they tell people they are a pilot. I call it Pilot Power. Thankfully, I’ve learned acting like a pilot can be just as powerful. The only downside to being a pilot…..they are absolutely helpless in the airplane galley. Still I hold out hope that one day we hear, “The Oscar goes to the pilot for…acting like a Skytress or Skyter and figuring out where the cups and sodas are located in the galley.” Yessiree. If Pinterest truly understands the job of a pilot, I know they already have a meme about this!


If you thought I’d be ready to go back flying after being on vacation for almost a month, you’d be completely wrong. Heck, I was just starting to get my vacation rhythm down. Unbelievably, my vacation ended before I could even watch one episode of, “Emily In Paris”. Egads!

My first few days on vacation were not great. I was mentally and physically exhausted. I was having periodic sharp chest pains and unusual stress headaches. I remember thinking as I pulled into the driveway one night that I hoped I didn’t have a stroke or heart attack while I was on vacation. Just as I was thinking this, I hit the side of the garage with my Suburban. Yessiree. I sure did! Amazingly, I didn’t have a stroke or heart attack when I saw the damage to my Suburban and to the house. I’ll readily admit, my ego took a severe hit. When I found out the first appointment for getting my car fixed would be February 6th, I called my insurance agent. I was gobsmasked the first appointment would be TWO months away! My agent told me this was the new normal. When I said the dealership estimated 45 days for the car to be fixed, she explained this was the new normal, too. Ouch! I’m not a fan of the new normal. Upon reflection, I vow to be a more cautious driver. Especially around garages.

It looks broke to me….I think I’ll just get another one

Christmas lights and Christmas decorations eventually pulled me out of my bah humbug mood. My holiday spirit meter surged in the right direction with a couple inches of snow, too. I quickly forgot about fixing my Suburban. Instead I decided to whip up a Yule log. The fact that I had never baked one didn’t deter me. Heck, I figured enough frosting could hide a multitude of Yule log baking mistakes. I even made Swedish chocolate balls called Chokladbollar to go around the Yule log. Upon reflection, I believe Ron had a heavenly hand in this matter. When I went on to Pinterest to find a Yule log recipe, I saw the Chokladbollar recipe. Yessiree. Ron was definitely sending me his Swedish vibes from Heaven. I’m thrilled to report both the Yule log and the Chokladbollar were amazingly delicious.

Yeah for the Yule log…cheers for the Chokladbollar

My vacation had sweet doses of childlike wonder sprinkled throughout it. Several times I found myself standing at my front door gleefully shouting, “Merry Christmas”. I didn’t just shout this randomly out into the winter night. Although, upon reflection, I may just do this exact thing next year. No. I shouted, “Merry Christmas” to the people passing by spreading holiday cheer to our neighborhood. One night we had a Jeep parade go up the street. Each Jeep was completely covered from bumper to bumper, roof to undercarriage, with Christmas lights. The drivers tooted their horns while their passengers shouted out, “Merry Christmas”. This merriment made me feel all warm and giddy inside. The next night the fire department paraded down the street with Santa riding on one of the fire trucks wishing everyone Merry Christmas. The flashing lights and the happy sirens of the ambulances, fire trucks and Fire Chiefs Suburbans was something to behold. Yessiree. It was utterly….joyful! I was even joyful when I ran into my friends early one morning when I looked like a complete wreck. Yessiree. I rolled out of bed, threw my clothes on from the day prior, brushed my teeth and headed to the post office. I was extremely proud of myself for getting up early and missing the post office Christmas mailing rush. So, I decided I’d treat myself to a tea from our local restaurant. Upon further reflection, I should have just driven directly home from the post office. Yessiree. Everyone knows you will absolutely run into people you know when you look your absolute worst. I guess I was hoping for a Christmas miracle to not run into anyone I knew that morning. I’m sure Santa is still Ho Ho Ho-ing about this encounter. I know I am. You’ll be happy to know I looked a million times better when I had lunch a few days later with my Skytress friend, Cindy. Heck, I even wore Christmas tree earrings. I haven’t worn Christmas earrings since I was a young Skytress flying the holidays. “O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, Such pleasure do you bring me”

I know it wasn’t pleasurable for many people flying this holiday season. Especially for the Southwest passengers and crews. I’ll admit. I was relieved I wasn’t flying while the Southwest Airlines meltdown was happening. Heck. I even tried to avoid all the press about the meltdown. Unfortunately, several of my friends weren’t so lucky. They got caught in the meltdown. They eventually rented cars to get home to Baltimore and Sarasota. Interestingly enough, they all stopped at Buc-ees on their drive home. So, upon reflection, I like to think they all won in the long run.

Sadly, all was not merry and bright this vacation. Two dear family friends passed away before Christmas. One friend, Mary Dawn, was a dear family friend from Butte, Montana. Our other friend, Danny, was an amazing friend from St. Louis. Danny owned an optical shop. He picked out all my fabulous eyeglasses. A Skytress I met once in the crew lounge restroom in Atlanta flew up to St. Louis just have Danny pick out her eyewear. Danny and I laughed about this recently when I went to pick out my new eyeglasses. Of course, it took Danny mere minutes to pick out the perfect new glasses for me. Then we spent another hour just sitting and talking. Upon reflection, I know if I had sat longer with Danny, it wouldn’t have been long enough. I can’t help but think Heaven is sure getting crowed with some of God’s best people.

This was the day Danny picked out my new glasses

Heaven also gained one of the sweetest dogs ever a couple days ago. My sister’s family dog, Charlie went to Heaven on December 29th. It’s been bitter sweet reflecting about Charlie and what a joy he brought all of us. My sister’s family got a new puppy a week before Charlie went to Heaven. The puppy’s name is George. We all call him Georgie. He is named after my Dad. My Dad’s name is George. Charlie was named after Charlie Brown from Peanuts. But, was he really? My Mom used to call my Dad, Charlie. I guess a case can be made that both of my sister’s dogs are named after my Dad. I know without doubt Charlie the dog is with Charlie my Dad in Heaven. What a blessing for them and for us that the two Charlie’s are together.

Charlie was absolutely a blessing to everyone

I know I was blessed to be off most of the month of December. Believe me. I constantly reflect upon this fact. Admittedly, I’m trying hard to make this month long vacation a holiday tradition. Heck. I’m already excited for next December. Yessiree. I already have new ideas for Christmas decorations and Christmas recipes. I’ll definitely need a month of vacation to implement all my Christmas ideas. Of course, this time next year I’ll lament about having to go back to work, too. It’s never easy to go back flying when my vacation rhythm is really starting to hum. Thankfully this year my first layover was in Little Rock. You all know my love for the hotel in Little Rock. They have the lights that automatically come on when your feet touch the floor! I guess it will be no surprise to you all, my sweet readers,….when I retire, I will reflect upon this hotel fondly. Not as fondly as reflecting about all my vacation time off. But, fondly enough.