A Month of Sundays

Well, my sweet friends, it’s been a month of Sundays since I worked a flight. But, I’m back being a Skytress again. My poor crews. I promise I’ll try to make the reintegration period as painless as I can. I’ll admit. I adored my time away from being a Skytress. This Skytress didn’t leave St. Louis once in my month of Sundays off. You may be wondering what I did to keep myself busy. There was a lot, I tell you. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, and I am slowly transitioning into the real world, I’ll show more than I write this blog post.

I spent an abundance of time with my dog Finley. We took an abhorrent amount of car rides. I drove. It snowed one day while I was on vacation. I’m not sure which one of us was more excited about the snow. Finley would say it was her. I’m not sure which one of us was more sad to see it melt. Finley would say it was her, too. I may beg to differ. But, I’m not going to argue with Finely. After all, she rules the roost.

Finley prefers people passengers to plant passengers

It’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas. Well, at least it isn’t for me. I went to one of my favorite stores to look for pots for some house plants. I didn’t find any pots. But, I found my spheres for my Christmas decorations. I, also, gathered up a bag full of pine cones off the lawn to use this Christmas. I have no idea what I will do with them yet. But, last year I had to crawl under the pine trees in the freezing cold to gather cones for a project. Yessiree. I lived. I learned. I froze. Thus, I picked up the spring pine cones.

The perfect Christmas decorations….they collapse for easy storage

I made Irish soda bread for St. Patrick’s Day. Then I made it again several days later after I asked my Aunt Cathy for her recipe. Why I haven’t asked her for it until this year, I’ll never know. I lived. I learned. More importantly, I learned I will be making her recipe from here on out.

You bet your shamrocks it’s delicious

I went to the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra with my sister, brother, nieces and our friend, Madeleine. The symphony was playing music by composer John Williams. If you don’t know who John Williams is, it will behoove you to look him up. The symphony started off with his iconic Olympic theme. Yessiree. I almost thought I was at the Olympics. Thankfully, for all in attendance, I did refrain from doing an Olympic somersault. The Symphony then played John Williams film scores from Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, E.T., Superman, Indian Jones, along with other much loved film scores. The symphony ended with a soul stirring rendition of Star Wars. Need I say more? Yes, I need, too. Cellist, Alvin McCall left me speechless when he played the theme from Schindler’s List. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve had the privilege to hear in my lifetime. I held my breath the entire performance. Well, actually, McCall’s playing took my breath away. And left tears in my eyes.

The force was with us
John Williams and Alvin McCall were a dynamic duo

One day I bought several pieces of pottery from renowned potter, Peter Wakefield Jackson. Then several days later when he announced he was taking pre-orders for more pottery, I bought several more pieces. Rest assured. Peter hasn’t heard the last from me.

Peter’s pottery definitely grew on me….so I ordered some bigger pots

I caught a ferocious fever while I was off. No. It wasn’t the flu or Covid. It was a severe case of spring cleaning fever. For days the Amazon delivery man left boxes of slim black velvet hangers on my porch. I took such delight in organizing closet after closet. Sadly, I had only organized two closets when my best friend, Shannon, told me she wants slim gray velvet hangers for her closets. I had never thought about slim gray velvet hangers before in my life. But, now I must have them. Don’t worry. The Amazon delivery man won’t be delivering them to my doorstep any time soon. I’ve set my sights on some storage boxes. He’ll be delivering them for awhile, I’m sure.

I’m hung up on my hangers all being uniform

My spring cleaning fever morphed into a case a spring planting fever. I bought several new bushes for the yard. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger, I told the people at the nursery, “I’ll be back”. Yessiree. I want to plant more bushes. Sadly, I just ran out of vacation Sundays.

I’ll be flying back to the nursery for more plants