My Battle With COVID

Yesterday,…Wednesday, I got my September trip schedule. I know you are reading this blog post Monday. Yes, I start my blog posts about a week out. It takes me a week of dabbling here and there to get my blog right for Monday. I’m sorry if I shattered the illusion that I sit down Monday and effortlessly write my blog. But,….I digressed. Like I said, I got my September schedule on Wednesday. You may remember, I left for vacation on March 9th. Almost six months later….September 8th, I will return to fly. Am I scared to go back flying? Yes. COVID is still out there. I’m not afraid of getting it. I’m afraid of bringing it home and getting my family sick. I’m also nervous because so much has changed at my airline. Numerous protocols and many new PA’s have been implemented. I, also, have an irrational fear I’ll have a temperature with the new mandatory crew temperature testing. I’m not fearful of having a temperature due to the virus,….but, because I’m usually hot in my uniform. Sweating hot….not sexy hot! It’s an unfounded fear because I have had my temperature taken many times at doctor’s appointments and at the hair salon. Each time I have been fine. Fortunately, I have friends that have been flying since self-quarantines went into effect with COVID-19. I know with certainty they’ve battled their own COVID fears and concerns every day. Now it is my turn to battle COVID on a larger battlefield. I’ve done small battles with COVID these past few months. I donned my gear and cautiously went to the grocery store. I finally marched to the doctors after procrastinating for months. I’ve even removed my mask and had a facial. Now, I am going to cautiously commence a forward advance on the COVID battlefield and reclaim a big part of my life. Of course, I’ll miss the TV rodeos I’ve newly discovered these past few weeks. But, hey, we all know, there usually is some collateral damage in battles .

I’ve watched so many people these past few months take back their lives in big and small ways. They’ve haven’t let COVID win. Things started off small for some…a walk around the neighborhood….getting the courage to go to the stores or picking up restaurant meals. It sounds silly, but, these were once major decisions for many. Then actors John Krasinski and Leslie Jordan took to Instagram and helped people smile and laugh again. John created the much needed, “Some Good News”. Leslie talks directly to us on Instagram and makes us howl with his pillow talk posts. These two won’t let COVID win. I applaud them. I also look forward to their posts everyday. They fill my soul with much needed happiness.

Then there were the graduates that got punched in the gut by COVID. They were denied the celebrations so many of us got to experience. But, graduates and the people that love them, learned to pivot. They found creative ways to celebrate the scholarly accomplishments. They had parades. They had home graduations. They had virtual graduations. They had social- distancing graduations on football fields. They battled COVID by outsmarting it and won.

COVID has been wreaking havoc with birthday celebrations, as well. Birthday party parade celebrations are now the norm. Creative yard signs have started popping up everywhere. I love it! Many of us didn’t know about Zoom parties. But we do now. Kudos to birthdays for battling COVID and being victorious.

People in nursing homes have taken a vicious hit from COVID. Many residents have gotten the virus. Sadly, many have died. Nursing homes are still on lockdown. My heart breaks for those who haven’t been able to see or hug their loved ones in months. However, there are small victories to celebrate. Some nursing homes have figured out how to use plexiglass to let families visit. A few creative places have constructed safe hugging booths. One lovely lady got a part-time job in the nursing home where her husband was living because of Alzheimer’s…just so she could see him. These people went hand-to- hand combat with COVID and are winning.

COVID has ravaged thousands of wedding plans. Brides and grooms are being denied experiences they’ve dreamed about all their lives. Many have postponed their wedding….some several times. These couples will let COVID think it’s won. But, they will eventually get married when the time is right for them. Oh, but, the really determined….they have found ways to beat COVID at it’s nasty game. They haven’t let COVID snatch the date they happily chose months before. These couples have gotten married at home, in empty churches, on beaches and even in their front yards with their neighbors being witnesses to their special day. These couples kept their wedding dates and defied COVID. These couples are celebrating the true meaning of a wedding day….the joining of two lives before God. Everyone knows, if you have that, you really don’t need anything or anyone else on your wedding day. I raise my glass in a congratulatory toast to those of you that battled COVID and said “I, do.”

Of course, there have been births and funerals these past few months. I know expectant parents have worried about being in hospitals where so many COVID patients were and are being treated. My heart breaks for those families that couldn’t be at their loved one’s side to say goodbye before God called them back home. But, my heart is filled with love for the frontline people that comforted a dying person or said a prayer in place of family member before the last breath was taken. I say extra prayers at night for all of them. Funerals with masks and social distancing is not a proper send off for a life well- lived. COVID…. I hate you for this!

If you still have a job, I believe you beat COVID. If you can still pay your bills, I believe you beat COVID. If you have traveled more than 10 miles outside your home, I believe you beat COVID. I haven’t traveled more than 10 miles from my house. But, I can still get out to places. So, I believe I beat COVID in this battle, too. I am not quarantined alone, so I am blessed. I can even attend church on-line. Even though I am in St. Louis, I have been going to Mass at the church Ron and I attened in Georgia. The past few weeks, I’ve watched couples renew their wedding vows on their 50th wedding anniversaries. And I’ve delighted in seeing catechumen become Catholic. These are glorious victories in my book.

These past few months I’ve pretty much avoided the news. Well, at least the highlights on the evening news. I have watched many press conferences with Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx. I’ve watched the heads of companies in their briefings talk about how they are pivoting to meet the supplies and demands since COVID. I read about the numerous vaccines that are being tested. I have less fear and more hope because of this. However, like so many, I have been beaten by COVID on several occasions. I’ve said and done things in anger. I know the stress of living in the world of COVID isn’t normal. Consequently, I’ve lashed out at those I love most. I also have seen people in the news lash out at others in stores and restaurants. When I see this, I know just like me, COVID beat these people on these days, too. Stress rears its ugly head at the worst times. Everything about COVID is stressful. There is a saying I love that says, “Rudeness is a weak person’s imitation of strength.” I believe COVID has made us weak at times and rudeness is a by-product. I was reminded today of James 1:26….”26 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless”. I profess, I am going to keep a tighter reign on my tongue. Sadly, COVID likes to battle us relentlessly on this ground.

Like so many, I like to look on the positive side of things. I truly believe we choose our attitudes everyday. So, I try to remember to choose a positive one,…especially now with COVID. I acknowledge, because of COVID, I’ve spent more quality time with my family and my dog Finley. All my family members and I are healthy. COVID hasn’t changed that. I’ve seen the beauty of people coming together to help their fellow man during COVID. I’ve seen people pivot and then pivot again to outsmart COVID. Our house is more organized and cleaner than ever….a by-product of COVID. I’ve read a lot during quarantine. I’ve also been spending many hours in my art room blissfully creating. As you all know, I started this blog. Yes, I’ve battled COVID in my own personal ways. I have been victorious more than I have been beaten. On September 8th, I will put on my Skytress uniform. I will pack my bags, armed with face masks, hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes. I will be nervous, of course. But my airline family will be there for me…and with me. I will battle COVID as best as I can until the vaccines are here. Have no fear. Like Dan Rather, I will report from the front-line. After all, I am The Rerouted Skytress.

2 thoughts on “My Battle With COVID

  1. ed Paden September 1, 2020 / 12:41 pm

    My hands on your shoulders—–
    “Everything will be OK !”

    • Emaye1123 September 1, 2020 / 4:05 pm

      Thank you Papa Ed. This fills my heart and soul with such comfort. I will keep this image in my head on September 8th….and the days that follow. 😊

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