Oh My Ornaments

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know I collect Christmas ornaments from cities I have traveled to. I do have some criteria that must be met in order for me to purchase an ornament. I must have had a wonderful time in the city. There, also, must be an ornament available for me to purchase when I am out an about in the city. I know this may sound crazy, but, ornaments aren’t always readily available at all times of the year. I have a list of cities I need to purchase ornaments from on return visits. The hunt for the ornaments creates added memories for me. When I hang my cherished ornaments on our Christmas tree and garland, the merriest memories come flooding back to me. In the spirit of Christmas, I’d like to share some of my special ornaments with you. You can imagine after 32 years of being a Skytress I have quite a few ornaments. Sadly, I can’t show you them all in this blog post. Instead, I will make it a Christmas tradition each year to share a few of my treasured ornaments with you. Merry Christmas.

Some days the tree lights are clear. Some days the tree lights are colored. I love Christmas tree technology.
I love to put some ornaments in the garland on the fireplace
I think of my Dad every time I place this ornament on my garland. I got this ornament when we flew to London for a few days.
This ornament came from Ireland when my Mom and I traveled there. It says Merry Christmas in Gaelic. I used to give my crews these bell ornaments and Shamrock bell ornaments from Ireland for Christmas gifts.
It’s a Paden pair. The horse ornament came from my trip to Louisville with Ron. The McGuire’s plaid stocking ornament came from Pensacola when Ron’s Dad, Papa Ed, came on our trip.
I’ve been blessed to have traveled to all 50 states. I place my ornament from Alaska up high on our tree. Not because Alaska is our most northern state. No. I place my ornament up high in our tree because my dog, Finley, loves this ornament as much as I do.
Hello my sweet friends. Welcome to Montana. My home state. My ornament isn’t from Butte. But, it still looks outside at the big sky.
Captain Pilot and I drove from Phoenix to Sedona before Christmas. I got this ornament of Kokopelli on our trip. We affectionately called him Cocoa Puffs because we couldn’t remember the name, Kokopelli.
I used to fly with a pilot in Cincinnati that flew hot air balloons in Albuquerque. He wore a hot air balloon tie tack on his uniform tie. So, of course, I had to buy a hot air balloon ornament when I went to Albuquerque.
This is my latest ornament I bought. I got it when my Skytress friend Darnell and I went to The Peabody Hotel in Memphis to watch the duck march. The ducks were priceless. The ornament was not. It’s one of the most expensive ornaments I’ve ever bought. I read the ducks live in a Royal Duck Palace on the hotel’s rooftop. The palace cost $200,000. It is made of marble and glass….has a duck spitting water fountain…and a replica of the Peabody Hotel where the ducks can nest in the grassy yard of the hotel. Now I understand why the ornament cost so much. Ho-Ho-Ho! This little duck ornament will nest in our tree all Christmas long. Merry Christmas, you lucky duck.