Oh My Ornaments 2022

I received a frantic call this morning from Santa Claus. Santa and I are life-long friends. How could we not be? We both love snow. We are cookie connoisseurs. Our favorite color is red. Our chosen profession is in aviation. I do work a few more days out of the year than Santa….but, barely. Ho! Ho! Ho! You may think Santa was frantic because Christmas is just a few days away and it’s crunch time at the North Pole. If you thought this you’d be wrong. Santa’s Christmas system is the envy of Amazon. Santa was frantic because I haven’t posted my annual ornaments blog….and it’s almost Christmas. Kris Kringle!! I’ve been so busy making gumdrop cookies, homemade marshmallows and getting ingredients for making a Yule log I almost forgot about my blog! Well, I can’t disappoint my friend Santa. Especially so close to Christmas. So here are the ornaments that made the “Oh My Ornaments” 2022 list. There were many more that I added to my collection this year. I didn’t want to end up on Santa’s naughty list, so I kept the 2022 list rather short. Merry Christmas!

I may have a serious Charleston Christmas ornament problem. I admit. I have several Charleston ornaments. I bought this ornament on my last layover. It depicts the houses on Rainbow Row. I simply adore it. I can’t wait to go back to Charleston to purchase another Christmas ornament. Don’t worry. Every Charleston ornament gets Santa’s seal of approval.

Instead of sweating in Athens in July, I went to Burlington. I happily spent way too much money. More importantly, I discovered maple lattes are beyond delicious. Yessiree. It was a challenge to find a Christmas ornament in July. But, I accepted the challenge and I prevailed!

You all know how apprehensive I was to go to Knoxville. Thankfully, I knew Ron was with me the whole time. I guess it’s appropriate I got an ornament of the Henley Street Bridge. I needed to cross the bridge of grief associated with Knoxville. It’s still not the easiest city for me to travel to. But, it was a step in the right direction.

I didn’t make it to Mount Rushmore on my Rapid City layover. However, I did visit Mount Rushmore when I was younger and my family was traveling back to Montana. Unbelievably, I wasn’t into collecting Christmas ornaments back then. I guess you can call this a long overdue purchase.

I was delirious to be back in my home state of Montana this spring. So delirious I bought Christmas ornaments at every stop. My brown glass blown ornament from Glacier National Park is exquisite in it’s simplicity. The whimsical bear ornaments from Glacier and Whitefish make me chuckle every time I spy them on the tree. Yessiree. These three ornaments from Montana are “beary” special to me. Ho! Ho! Ho! I know Santa’s belly shook like a bowl full of jelly with that comment. I hope it filled your heart with merriment, too. Merry Christmas my sweet friends. See you in 2023!

2 thoughts on “Oh My Ornaments 2022

  1. ed December 21, 2022 / 2:22 pm

    Your choice of ornaments is great. Ho Ho Ho !
    Thanks for the remember comment.
    Have a great holiday season with you and your family

    • Emaye1123 December 21, 2022 / 6:55 pm

      Thank you Papa Ed. When I went to pick out my ornaments for the blog, I realized I collected more this year than I thought. Every ornament brings back marvelous, fun memories. I am especially fond of the ornaments from cities I traveled to with Ron. I chuckle every time I see the McGuires’s ornament from the trip to Pensacola with you and Ron. I can’t help but remember Ron sitting on your lap on the ride back to the airport. Ho! Ho! Ho! That is a stupendous memory! Merry Christmas and a blessed 2023 to you Papa Ed and the family.

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